Lifelong Endurance

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2021 Running Horoscopes

Aries (March 21st-April 19th)

What kind of runner are you?

You train hard and take no prisoners. Whether it is an early morning training run, or the race of the season, you are going all-out and working your hardest. You can be a tad competitive with training partners, and are most compatible with someone who will push you. While you are successful at most distances, you do the best, you prefer shorter, faster, and more challenging races. You prefer the competition to be fierce, meaning you prefer a bigger event to something small and local. You never take the easiest way out, and are always up for a challenge.

What races you should run in 2021

Bolder Boulder (CO)

One of the largest, and most competitive races in North America. You will fly through this course, and undoubtedly get a PR.

Mt Marathon (AK)

This race is just shy of 2 miles, with 2,675 ft of vertical gain and decent on incredibly steep, and often wet rock. To reiterate, that is 2,675 ft of climbing in 0.9 miles, then an insanely steep and dangerous decent.

What workout fits your personality best

3X1600 meter repeats: so you can run faster each time, you are your best competition.

What song should be on your training playlist

“The Greatest” -Sia and Kendrick Lamar

What book should you read this year

Meb for Mortals-Meb Keflezighi with Scott Douglas

It may not be attainable to be as successful as one of the greatest male marathoners , but you are ready to put in the work to compete like him.

Pro runners born under this sign

Emily Infeld, Bill Dellinger, Sara Hall

Taurus (April 20th-May20th)

What kind of runner are you?

You are one of the best running partners to have, as you are both ambitious and friendly. You work hard, and obsess over every detail of your training cycle . While this will insure that nothing will slide through the cracks, it may be difficult to deal with any last minute changes on race day. Your attention to detail and compassion for others could also lead you to being a successful race director. You do exceptionally well at the marathon distance, due to your regimented training.

What races should you do in in 2021?

Marine Corps Marathon (Washigton DC)

A slightly faster course with lots of spectators and runners to join in the fun.

Ragnar Trail Series: Mt. Rainier

Organizing your friends for a multi-day relay race is something that you will excel at. Plus, you get to run beautiful trails in the Pacific Northwest, what could be better?

What workout fits your personality best

Weekly group long runs: you will organize your training buddies to be in their best shape for their next race.

What song should be on your training playlist

“Don’t Stop Me Now”-Queen

What book should you read this year

Run Fast, Eat Slow- Shalane Flanagan and Elyse Kopecky

The cookbook put together by the New York City Marathon champion and her old teammate will have you preparing all of your training meals ahead a of schedule and making the perfect pre-workout meal for yourself and all of your friends.

Pro runners born under this sign

Meb Keflezghi, Lucy Bartholomew, Galen Rupp

Gemini (May 21st-June 20th)

What kind of runner are you?

Better, faster, stronger is your philosophy. You are the steamroller of a runner that comes charging past the pack in hilarious, ridiculous, or bright running attire. You have intense strength and speed, that is only matched by your humor and wit. You prefer not to run or train with others, though you are ready to go out and celebrate your victory after a race. You tend to have one speed, making you an exceptional short distance runner; you may also appreciate an obstacle course race.

What races should you do in in 2021?

BAA 5k (MA)

This is held two days before the Boston Marathon, and attracts some extremely speedy folks, as well as a lot of spectators.

Spartan Race Series: Colorado Rockies (CO)

You are up for the challenge of competing in a challenging, and beautiful obstacle course race, utilizing your full-body strength.

What workout fits your personality best

Tempo Run: You love hauling through town, or on your local trail, passing all of the other joggers along the way.

What song should be on your training playlist

“Stronger”-Kanye West

What book should you read this year

Ultra Marathon Man-Dean Karnazes

Even if you have no interest in ultra running, Karnazes’ passion, wit and humor will resonate with you.

Pro runners born under this sign

Jim Thorpe, Cory McGee, Tirunesh Dibaba

Cancer (June 21st-July 22nd)

What kind of runner are you?

Running is an art to you. Because you are a naturally creative and sensitive person, you crave hobbies that will let you explore the natural world. You trend to stick with what you know; buying the same shoes, running the same races, and having favorite trails you run over and over. You love having people to run with, and attending running groups, though you could occasionally use them for an excuse to gossip. While you like being around your friends, big groups can be overwhelming, causing you to prefer smaller, longer races.

What races should you do in in 2021?

Canyonlands National Park Half Marathon (UT)

Beautiful scenery and a participant cap

Vermont 100 (VT)

An ultra marathon winding along primeval woods and pastures

What workout fits your personality best

Long, aimless trail runs where you can take along a camera or work out another creative project in your head while you run.

What song should be on your training playlist

“I Will Wait”-Mumford and Sons

What book should you read this year

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running-Haruki Murakami

A beautifully written book by a writer turned runner. He discusses where his two passions of his art and running intersect in his life. Truly a book for a creative soul.

Pro runners born under this sign

Shalane Flanagan, Wilma Rudolph, Ryan Hall, Carl Lewis

Leo (July 23rd-August 22nd)

What kind of runner are you?

You are fearless and goal oriented, a winning combination. You are very good at setting realistic and hefty goals for yourself, and almost always achieve them. For this reason, you do exceptionally well at longer distances, since you do not back down easily. You are also extremely good at motivating your running partners to push their limits as well, though you can be a bit competitive.

What races should you do in in 2021?

New York City Marathon (NY)

This race is both competitive, as well as challenging, with many hills and runners to dodge.

Western State 100 (CA)

This race draws in some of the biggest names in ultra running and presents on of the most challenging courses in the United States.

What workout fits your personality best

Hill Repeats: This grueling work out will allow you to push yourself and see improvement with every repetition.

What song should be on your training playlist


What book should you read this year

The Science of Running- Steve Magness

This book will go into great detail about how to make your body and your workouts the most efficient. Since you are drawn more to manuals than novels, you will appreciate the scientific approach to training.

Pro runners born under this sign

Usain Bolt, Anton Krupricka, Desiree Linden

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

What kind of runner are you?

You are just as likely to be volunteering at a race as you are to be running. You enjoy helping others, and are always looking to better yourself. You perfectionism is both a blessing and a curse when it comes to running, as your standards are high, and you can become frustrated if you do not meet your goal. You are extremely hard working, and will put in all the training necessary to run any distance. You also get great gain from spending time in nature, and have a great appreciation for natural beauty. For this reason, you are drawn to more scenic, destination, races.

What races should you do in in 2021?

Big Sur Marathon (CA)

Incredibly beautiful, and fairly hilly, this marathon winds along the cliffs and forests of Big Sur.

Pikes Peak Ascent Half Marathon (CO)

This races starts in the small, artistic town of Manitou Springs, before climbing to the tight, single track trail up Pikes Peak, which reaches an elevation of 14,114 ft.

What workout fits your personality best

12X400 meter repeats: While this workout can be monotonous, you will remain dedicated, and maintain a consistent speed throughout.

What song should be on your training playlist

“Running Down a Dream”-Tom Petty

What book should you read this year

Running Ransom Road-Caleb Daniloff

This memoir captures a year-in-the-life of the author as he returns to towns of his past to run a marathon and come to terms with his sobriety.

Pro runners born under this sign

Jordan Hasay, Dean Karnazes

Libra (September 23-October 22)

What kind of runner are you?

You are more interested in being a part of a community, and lifting others up than you are in competing. While you are an accomplished runner, you rarely follow training plans. You are modest about your speed and strength, making you very approachable as a running partner. You prefer to join friends at their races, or run in a bigger race where you can connect with other runners.

What races should you do in in 2021?

Chicago Marathon (IL)

The big, friendly crowds of runners and spectators will fill your social need. It is also a very fast course, so you will speed along without a care.

Jay Peak Trail Running Festival (VT)

You can choose if you would prefer to run a 5k, 11 miles, or an ultra marathon; then spend the day you do not race cheering on other racers.

What workout fits your personality best

Weekly group runs

What song should be on your training playlist

“Beautiful Day”-U2

What book should you read this year

Running: A Love Story-Jen Miller

A running, and romantic, memoir of Runner’s World contributor, Jen Miller. She explores her teens, twenties, and early thirties in a series of races and relationships.

Pro runners born under this sign

Emma Colburn, Marion Jones, Amelia Boone

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

What kind of runner are you?

You are dedicated and do best when following your own passion. You may not enjoy following a training plan as much as others, but your inner-drive will keep you on track to accomplish all of your running goals. You are hard to impress, but are loyal to your favorite running brands, training partners once they prove themselves to you. Your drive and your will to succeed lend themselves to more challenging races.

What races should you do in in 2021?

Napa Valley Half Marathon (CA)

This point-to-point half marathon is beautiful and includes a class of wine at the finish. It is a net downhill race, making it perfect for you to push yourself while enjoying a beautiful course.

Leadville Heavy Half (CO)

This course is a bit more challenging, climbing over 3,000 ft in 15.5 miles. However, the course looks out on some of the tallest peaks in the Continental Untied States, and will push you physically and mentally.

What workout fits your personality best

Incredibly long, challenging, weekend runs

What song should be on your training playlist

“Can’t Hold Us”-Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

What book should you read this year

Run or Die-Kilian Jornet

Elite mountain and ultra runner, Jornet, details his passion for the sport and for the natural world while accomplishing some of the most physically strenuous feats known to man.

Pro runners born under this sign

Killian Jornet, Claire Gallagher, Eliud Kipchoge

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

What kind of runner are you?

You trot to the beat of your own drum and are more interested in having an adventure than “training.” You often set lofty goals for yourself, and sometimes even accomplish them. Your independence does not lend itself to following a training plan, but your passion and iron will pushes you through most tasks. You do better at shorter races, as you sometimes have trouble keeping a consistent pace. You enjoy races that allow you to travel and see new things.

What races should you do in in 2021?

Rock and Roll Series Las Vegas Marathon (NV)

I am not sure how a road race could be more of an adventure. You start as the sun is setting, then run through Las Vegas in the cover of night and florescent lights.

Dead Horse 30k, 50k, or 50 mile (UT)

This series is considered one of the most beautiful, as it winds through Dead Horse State Park outside of Moab.

What workout fits your personality best

Running any new trail

What song should be on your training playlist

“Radar Love”-Golden Earring

What book should you read this year

My Year of Running Dangerously-Tom Foreman

This memoir follows the year-in-the-life of CNN correspondent, Foreman as he takes up running to first compete in a marathon with his daughter, then run his first ultra.

Pro runners born under this sign

Emelie Forsburg, Florence Griffer Joyner (Flo-Jo), Paula Radcliff

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

What kind of runner are you?

Just like a good pair of shoes, you are reliable and resilient. You are fully aware that you are in control of your success, and for this reason thrive from following a training plan. You work hard and almost always accomplish your goals. You might push yourself to the point of injury, but often slow yourself down to train with a new runner, or pace a less-accomplished runner in their first big race. You do best in challenging races and longer distances.

What races should you do in in 2021?

Boston Marathon (MA)

Once you decided that you would qualify for this race, you did. While this course is hilly and crowded, you will do extremely well.

San Juan Solstice 50 mile(CO)

This hilly and rocky course is one of the toughest in the state. But mountains are your home, you wild goat.

What workout fits your personality best

3X3 mile repeats: This workout is painful, but you love the challenge.

What song should be on your training playlist

“Lose Yourself”-Emminem

What book should you read this year

The Long Run- Catriona Menzies-Pike

Part memoir, and part history of running under a feminist/humanist lens, this book details the metamorphosis of a runner.

Pro runners born under this sign

Camille Harron, Jim Walmsley, Rob Krar

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

What kind of runner are you?

You love that running represents something deeper than a sport or hobby. It gives you the opportunity to connect with the natural world, while also finding a balance within yourself. You are an accomplished runner, but prefer to run races for a good cause. You are an excellent training partner, though you are also very independent and love long, solitary miles in wild places.

What races should you do in in 2021?

Lake Tahoe Marathon (CA/NV)

This mountainous road marathon takes you through some of the most breathtaking scenery, while pushing you along some challenging hills.

Golden Gate Dirty 30 50k/ 12 mile race (CO)

This course is both rocky and hilly, as well as absolutely beautiful.

What workout fits your personality best

Running for your mental and physical well-being

What song should be on your training playlist

“Only the Wild Ones”-Dispatch

What book should you read this year

Running with the Mind of Meditation-Sakyong Mipham

Written by a Tibetan spiritual leader, this book focuses on reaching a higher state of being through running.

Pro runners born under this sign

Steve Prefontaine, Courtney Dauwalter, Deena Kastor

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

What kind of runner are you?

You are easy going and patient, making you the best training partner. You are always willing to join a friend in their pursuits, but are unstoppable once you decide on a goal of your own. You prefer to spend time in nature, opposed to running through your neighborhood or in the city, as you have a artistic and spiritual appreciation of running.

What races should you do in in 2021

Shamrock Marathon (VA)

This speedy race cruises along Virginia beach, giving you a nice mix of companionship and beautiful beach views.

Wild Vine Trail Race (NC)

You can chose from a half marathon or 5k, put on by the US National Whitewater Center. The weekend includes yoga, wine tasting, and (naturally) running.

What workout fits your personality best

Group trail runs

What song should be on your training playlist

“Say Hey”- Michael Franti

What book should you read next

Let Your Mind Run-Deena Kastor with Michelle Hamilton

Kastor, an elite marathoner, Olympian, and mentor re-accounts how she overcame negative thinking to find running success.

Pro runners born under this sign

Ryan Sanders, Tim Tollefson