Go Further with Gratitude

Giving thanks and practicing gratitude can be a great tool, not only to keep you healthy and happy, but to have your best training and race. While it can be a difficult habit to put into practice, the benefits are long lasting.

How Gratitude Effects Training and Racing

Boost in Mood and Energy

Shifting your mindset to be more positive increases energy. One popular use of pushing through the discomfort is integrating a "gratitude mile" into your tough workouts. This is where you spend a mile you would usually be hitting a slump or the wall to remind yourself of all you are grateful for.

Improves Recovery

According to the journal "Personality and Individual Differences" people who practice gratitude experience less physical aches and pains. Gratitude also improves an individuals sleep, giving more time to recover from that hard workout. Finally, it was found that people who engaged in gratitude were also more likely to practice better self-care.

Grows Self-Esteem

Reminding yourself that you are grateful for your strength and your body can build up your confidence and help you discover what you are truly capable of. It has also been found that gratitude can reduce social comparisons as it encourages individuals to be grateful for their own accomplishments.

Builds Mental Endurance

The "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology” found that gratitude fosters an attitude of resilience and can help people fight through the toughest moments of their life. It does this by decreasing stress and improving cognitive functioning.

How to Practice Gratitude

Find a realistic way you can set your mindset to acknowledge gratitude. It dose not need to grandiose nor a chore, just a reasonable change to your everyday habits.

Keep a list or gratitude journal

End each day by writing down some things you are thankful for. Once you get in the habit of making the list, your brain will start to look for gratitudes throughout the day without too much forethought.

When you feel gratitude for someone, tell them

Likely, there are a few folks in your life you are thankful for, let them know. Whether it is your partner or your favorite barista, showing your appreciation and gratitude will spread the joy and create positive feedback.

When you are out for a run or a ride, take time to notice the beauty around you

Whether it is taking in the view from your often-traveled loop, or noticing how the music matches up with your rhythm perfectly, take a moment to enjoy where you are. As time goes on, you will feel more appreciation and gratitude for your regular exercise routine.

Volunteer your time

Giving back to an organization, or helping a friend through a tough time, can be a constructive way to express your gratitude. It also creative positive feedback, just as giving thanks and can boost your mood and emotional functioning.

How do you practice gratitude?

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