Benefits of Self-Care

Why is it so hard to take time for yourself? Whether it is societal pressure to “not be selfish” or a negative story you have told yourself about your needs, most Americans find it hard to take a moment and truly practice self-care. Athletes, who are exerting themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, are in desperate need for de-stressing and self-soothing. Here are a list of benefits from taking some time for yourself.


 While this might sound counter-intuitive, when you slow down, and give yourself some space, your productivity increases. This is largely connected to the fact that self-care manages stress, helping a person to think more clearly and and reprioritize. As athletes, we are constantly trying to balance work, family obligations, and training in order to do our best. At times, this might seem overwhelming and non-stop. By taking a moment to refresh and relax, you will return to your next project, run, or obligation ready to focus and work hard.

Immune System Boost

 When you are living in a stress state, missing sleep, and not prioritizing your diet, your health suffers. Increasing sleep, practicing relaxing activities (like a warm bath, or getting a message) and eating well all improve the Parasympathetic Nervous System, which in turn boosts your immune system, and keeps your healthy through the stressful times of your life. While training for a big event, or working out during cold and flu season, the need for self-care is paramount. You will not get ahead if you are sidelined by illness.


When you spend more time ignoring your needs, your develop a disconnect with yourself. You might begin to develop a pattern of negative self-talk, develop a harsher attitude towards yourself and perceived shortcomings, or begin to see the world as against you. By taking time to practice self-care you reconnect with yourself and develop a more healthy relationship and sense of reality. Athletes are notorious for having high, and difficult to meet expectations for themselves; having compassion and an understanding of your own needs will help you to give yourself some grace and grow in the process of training.

More energy to care for others

As every person who has flown on an airplane knows, you place the oxygen mask on yourself before you place it on your companion. Similarly, when you are constantly trying to give, without caring for yourself, your energy will run out and no one will benefit. Taking time to self-sooth and rest will having you coming back as a more compassionate and understanding caregiver, partner, friend, teammate, and co-worker.

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